So seven months later, I'm going to share some of the Bob Burridge Workshop with you. This was my view at the Bob Burridge Workshop at Wenmoh's Ranch. I had a corner table. It wasn't the first table I picked but I didn't see the other artists belongings under my first choice so this was the only table left. And it was a good one. I was right next to the wall where I could hang my wet paintings.

I was very nervous about being at this workshop because frankly, I'm not a full time artist. I'm a full time Executive Assistant and part time blogger and part time artist though some day when I retire I will then be a full time painter. Speak it into existence. Thank you, Claudia.
You can see these three small paintings on my table there. They were an exercise in composition. We were only allowed to use black and white paint. Do you see that paper towel there on the right? That was my brush.

As the day progressed, we added color to our paintings. Or I did anyway. Everyone pretty much did what they wanted I think. Experimenting in their own styles and with their own content.

The red heart below has the foil from Kisses collaged on it. I won a little heart jar of Kisses at Karlie's CAbi/Mexican Train party. I brought my goodies to share with the others though I think I wound up eating most of the Kisses.

This Carmel Guitar also has some of the Kiss wrappers on it, including the little tail they include to help you open the Kiss. This one said Caramel Kisses.

Those are not the finished pieces though I think they're pretty close.
One of the things we discussed at the workshop is intention. You need to paint what you know. Well, I don't play the guitar and it was obvious when later Bob found a guitar at Dena's house. I put the hole of the guitar on the wrong side of the body. But, I do love music. I love it! I need it in my life even if it is just listening to the songs on my iPod whose name by the way is Randy. That's off topic though. Intention. My love of music spurred the decision to paint a guitar series.
I'll share those later.
Below, Bob discusses light. My demise. My enemy. I need to practice with the lighting. I'm so bad at it. Okay, well, I just need to plain old practice.

I wish I had taken more photos of the workshop. I have a few more that I may share. Or maybe not. Who knows. Bob is having another workshop in August, 2011 and I'm signed up for it. I wish I could go to the one he's holding in Abaco but sadly, that will not happen. I'll have to settle for the countryside.
George Eliot said, "It's never too late to be who you might have been."
I say, "It's never too late to be who you might have been and some day I will be a painter."