That post title is complete nonsense.
Page 6 of my journal had a cat - a CAT- doodle on it. And an ugly cat at that. So I painted a fish over it.
Page 7 is some poetry. I didn't say good poetry but I didn't hate it so much that I felt the need to redact it from the page.
I long for the sun
to beat down on me
heating my body to a glistening
shimmer...tanning me....
I can gaze across the sand
and see the waves of heat
my thin body walking bare foot
my hair tangling in the wind
my ears tuned to the waves
and the birds... i long for
i love the
sound of
their twisted
thoughts when they
take you so literally.
i love how they discover
and their little touches.
a first kiss
a first love
and falling in love
after the first
heart break
a first child.
a little girls eyes, her smile
that's what poetry is.
a little girls giggle, her wiggle
that's what poetry is.
Still with me all the way down here? Well, take a moment and click on over to House of Shine and commit to nominating someone for the Yellow Envelope Project. All you need to know is on today's post.
Did I miss the post of where and when your journal is from?
Peggy, go back to the January 1st post and that post explains the journal.
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